In this blog post, I will be focusing on a serial killers mind. This post will include quotes from serial killers, a poem I made using the quotes and a short documentary of a serial killers mind.

They are 4 types of serial killers
Quotes from serial killers
“ We serial killers are your sons, we are your husbands, we are everywhere. And there will be more of your children dead tomorrow. ” – Ted Bundy
“I like children, they are tasty.” - Albert fish
“ I just wanted to see how it felt to shoot Grandma. ” – Edmund Kemper
“ A clown can get away with murder. ” – John Wayne Gacy
“ Even psychopaths have emotions; then again, maybe not. ” – Richard Ramirez
“ It wasn’t as dark and scary as it sounds. I had a lot of fun…killing somebody’s a funny experience. ” – Albert DeSalvo
“You learn what you need to kill and take care of the details. It’s like changing a tire. The first time you’re careful. By the thirtieth time, you can’t remember where you left the lug wrench.” Ted Bundy
“What’s one less person on the face of the earth, anyway?” - Ted Bundy
“Yes, I do have remorse, but I’m not even sure myself whether it is as profound as it should be. I’ve always wondered myself why I don’t feel more remorse.” Jeffery Dahmer
“I was completely swept along with my own compulsion. I don’t know how else to put it. It didn’t satisfy me completely, so maybe I was thinking, ‘Maybe another one will. Maybe this one will.’ And the numbers started growing and growing and just got out of control, as you can see.” - Jeffrey Dahmer
“I just wanted to see how it felt to shoot Grandma.” Edmund Kemper
“I was literally singing to myself on my way home, after the killing. The tension, the desire to kill a woman had built up in such explosive proportions that when I finally pulled the trigger, all the pressures, all the tensions, all the hatred, had just vanished, dissipated, but only for a short time.” David Richard Berkowitz
“It wasn’t as dark and scary as it sounds. I had a lot of fun…killing somebody’s a funny experience.” Albert DeSalvo
“After my head has been chopped off, will I still be able to hear, at least for a moment, the sound of my own blood gushing from my neck? That would be the best pleasure to end all pleasure.” - Peter Kurten
“I robbed them, and I killed them as cold as ice, and I would do it again, and I know I would kill another person because I’ve hated humans for a long time.”- Aileen Wuoronis
Poem using serial killer quotes
'A serial killers mind'
I just wanted to see how it felt to shoot Grandma
It wasn’t as dark and scary as it sounds
I had a lot of fun…killing somebody’s a funny experience
Yes, I do have remorse,
but I’m not even sure myself whether it is as profound as it should be
I’ve always wondered myself why I don’t feel more remorse
I robbed them, and I killed them as cold as ice,
and I would do it again,
and I know I would kill another person because I’ve hated humans for a long time
What’s one less person on the face of the earth, anyway?
I was literally singing to myself on my way home, after the killing
Even psychopaths have emotions; then again, maybe not
We serial killers are your sons,
we are your husbands, we are everywhere
And there will be more of your children dead tomorrow
That would be the best pleasure to end all pleasure
While I was researching on serial killers, I found a many disturbing facts about them, how many people they've killed and the fact that they fill no remorse nor guilt, even when they go get a life sentence, it doesn't bother them. So I decided to research on what goes on through their mind and what leads them to continue killing and their overall behaviour. With using the very disturbing quotes to write a poem, my intention was to show what goes on in a serial killers mind. While doing research, I found out that they have critical mental conditions, you can see that from the poem. They seek comfort in killing people thinking that killing more people will satisfy them.
Moving on...
To add some of my own creativity (additionally to the poem), I decided to add a what goes through a serial killers mind fictional documentary. Its very short and just mentions the short stage when the serial killer picks his victim. The serial killer mentioned in this short documentary is one that targets females, old, young, sick, he doesn't mind. As long as their females.
I often fell into these deep profound thoughts. Where I am fully engrossed by the idea of being with someone vulnerable. And when these thoughts begin, I can’t stop them. I have to satisfy them or I cannot rest. Therefore to make my thoughts content, I let my eyes wander around time square. My eyes landed on this immensely beautiful girl. Her dark hair fell to her waist and a green eyes sparkled even from a distance. Her skin was pale, almost like snow. On her back was black vans bag-pack. She was walking alone, she was alone! I smiled to myself and followed her.